The Robocast Project

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The Management

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Project Coordinator (PC) (CO1-POLIMI)
The Project Co-ordinator (PC), represented by Prof. Giancarlo Ferrigno, elected by his peers Co-ordinator to take on this coordinating task. He will be responsible for the overall management, communication and co-ordination of the entire research and development project, under the EU-Contract and the ROBOCAST Consortium Agreement (CA).

Technological Manager (TM) (P4-IMPERIAL)
The TM will support the PC and will be responsible for the technological choices, arbitrating choice conflicts and putting in place corrective actions when required. He/she will manage technological risks by identifying and classifying them and by putting them in contingency plans.

Business Manager (BM) ( P5-PROSURGICS)
The BM will support the PC and TM in their tasks. He/she will co-ordinate and synchronise the ROBOCAST Exploitation Plan of all industrial partners according to the tasks planned in WP8 Dissemination.

Work Package Leader (WPL)
For each individual work package (WP), a Work Package Leader (WPL) will be appointed.WPL have been chosen on the basis of their specific expertise and the amount of their involvement in the WP tasks.

Task Leader (TL)
A task consists of a subset of activities within one work package targeting at a specific objective. The Task Leader is responsible for the design of the deliverables belonging to the task (if any) and the coordination of the technical and organizational work of all partners involved in this task.

Project Co-ordination Committee (PCC)
The PCC consists of the PC, seconded by the TM and the BM as appropriate, and the WPLs.

Last Updated on Monday, 23 November 2009 00:40